Monday, March 10, 2008

Shopping with kids

Since I don't live near family, and probably even if I did, I take my kids shopping. To some it may seem like insanity, and sometimes it feels insane, but mostly I just do it and deal with it and am not bothered by it. I now know to tell Bryson a head of time we aren't buying any toys or treats and so far it works. The thing that is often difficult to foresee and minimize is what my child says.
Just last week while shopping I picked up a box of wipes for Bryson. Bryson has been potty trained for a year now, thank heaven, and we're trying to help him learn to take care of his toilet needs by himself, thus the purchasing of happy (flushable) wipes. I got near the end of my shopping and thought these are not worth the extra cost and put them back on the shelf. Bryson alarmed asked in his loudest voice, "But mommie how will we wipe our bottoms?" I quietly said we have toilet paper at home and tried to hurry away from the clerk laughing at us. He was quite distressed so I got the wipes to reassure him all would be well.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Yea! You are blogging again!!!